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Recent posts of Pecon

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Please add a captcha on the forum
I don't plan to develop new features for Agora for the foreseeable future, but you can probably mitigate the problem using the pre-existing ratelimit system built in to Agora. For instance, in the registration action is limited to at most two signups per ten minute (600 second) period. You can increase the timeout period and/or reduce the number of signups allowed in the time period to help mitigate spammy actions. This rate limit system also is applied to all the other actions you referred to, you can search the codebase for uses of 'checkRateLimitAction' to find and modify the rate limiting behavior of all those other actions as you would like.

Hopefully that helps whatever issues you're dealing with.
XSS flaw
This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting.
When new updates ? :)
I've just been busy with other projects.
How to put a captcha to the post-form ?
It would have to be programmed in. Are you currently experiencing lots of bot spam? This sort of feature isn't something I'd consider working on yet unless it was an active issue.
PHP Error (setup)
This seems to have happened because I accidentally committed some unfinished changes a while ago... I've reverted them, try pulling the latest version of the repo and install from that.
A button to delete all the posts of a user ?
Quote from: VignacSecond
That's exist ?

It does not. However, you can accomplish this with an SQL query on the database.

DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE userID=#;

Just replace the # with the ID of the user you are clearing posts for.
If they created any topics you want gone then you'll have to run another query:
DELETE FROM `topics` WHERE creatorUserID=#;

You'll probably want to avoid doing this unless you have to, because there will be minor side effects since the normal deletion process for posts and threads also involves correcting some index information which is difficult to do manually.
Multi-language is a feature that I would need to add eventually, but unfortunately it's not feasible at the moment. You would need to create your own fork of the forum code with all relevant text rewritten in the target language, which obviously is an awful way to go about implementing another language.
PHP error
I've fixed these, thanks for reporting.
Does Agora rely on JavaScript?
Quote from: Hi

No. The forum system has minimal reliance on JS and has fallbacks for all cases where it is not available. Having JS disabled degrades the experience slightly, but does not inhibit any usage.
Admin Force edit post.
Quote from: VignacSecond
how does it work ? ^^

It doesn't, not yet anyways. It was the last feature I left off on, I was overhauling the admin tools. As you can probably see, the only thing that was mostly finished there was the logging view.
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